Our Vision

To strengthen the private sector and Abu Dhabi economy through advocacy, innovation, and digitization, making Abu Dhabi the #1 choice in MENA for business and talent by 2025.

Our Mission

To empower businesses in Abu Dhabi, enabling the private sector to reach its full potential within a competitive state-of-the-art ecosystem.

Our Values


In our commitment to better serve the private sector and streamline our operations, we recognize the pivotal role teamwork plays in fueling Abu Dhabi's economic success. By fostering collaboration, we harness diverse talents to collectively contribute to the growth and prosperity of our economy.

Creativity & Innovation

Creativity and innovation are the driving forces behind Abu Dhabi's economic evolution. By encouraging fresh and innovative ideas at the Abu Dhabi Chamber, we pave the way for ground-breaking solutions that position us as leaders in the dynamic business landscape.


Empowering individuals is not just a value; it's a strategic approach to fueling the engine of Abu Dhabi's economy. By equipping businesses with the tools they need to thrive, we, at the Abu Dhabi Chamber, would cultivate a culture of leadership that directly impacts Abu Dhabi's economic trajectory.

Customer Satisfaction

At the heart of our values is an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, recognizing that the success of our members and stakeholders is intricately tied to their satisfaction. Every interaction is an opportunity to contribute to the economic growth of Abu Dhabi by delivering exceptional value and service excellence.

Learn about the upcoming activities organized, participated and hosted by Abu Dhabi Chamber, from trade to delegations and conferences, and exhibitions to economic forums

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